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RFP PS-2021-01 to procure Landfill Consulting Engineering Services

RFP PS-2021-01 to procure Landfill Consulting Engineering Services

It is the goal of the Municipality of Greenstone to commission a new solid waste landfill operation. The objective of this RFP is to select a preferred Proponent that would provide, through a Standing Offer all required engineering services to successfully achieve the goal. This Standing Offer Agreement (SOA) will allow the municipal staff to work directly with a single Proponent to complete all aspects of this undertaking over the term without having to issue a separate Request for Proposals for each stage. The successful Proponent would provide these services on an “as required” basis for the duration of the term. The proposed contract will be for a three (3) year term, with optional one-year extensions until commissioning of the new operation. Projects assigned to the successful firm may include but not be limited to review of alternate site locations, consultations, planning, preparation & submission of all necessary permits, design, tender, contract administration and engineering services during construction. Get more information here.

 January 19, 2021