The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has developed a streamlined process and form specifically for waste operators seeking relief to their current ECA during this pandemic. The form should only be used to request temporary relief from current ECA conditions, where necessary to account for changes to operational activities resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. These are structured as COVID-19 related requests, not applications.
For these requests:
- waste operators/owners must use the Request for Pandemic Related Temporary Regulatory Relief (Alternate Arrangement) for Waste Disposal Sites and Waste Management Systems
- documentation requirements are outlined in section 5 of the request form
- applicants must submit electronic request forms and the supporting documents to (only electronic submissions will be accepted)
- when emailing requests to the ministry, applicants must include in the subject line of the email “PANDEMIC RELIEF ECA REQUEST – WASTE”
- applicants must provide a copy of the request to the local district office, where the site is located
Click here to download form